Ruth Alcabes, MLS, JD
AOP Administrator
Ruth (she/her) earned her MLS at SCSU in 2007, and her JD at NYU School of Law in 1987. She has over 10 years of experience as a librarian in higher education, in the areas of reference, instruction, collection development and cataloging, including at Springfield Technical Community College, Asnuntuck Community College Learning Resource Center, and the Yale Law School Lillian Goldman Law Library. Prior to being a librarian, Ruth worked as an attorney for approximately 15 years, in governmental and private settings. Ruth engages in Jewish life and learning in a variety of settings and enjoys sharing about religious traditions in interreligious gatherings, notably the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom, and the Hartford International University for Religion and Peace. She is a member of Congregation P’nai Or of West Hartford and has participated in other Jewish Renewal programs through ALEPH and at Elat Chayyim.